UPDATE: 8 April 2020 Nyipeng is canceled
more on this at http://wartabalionline.com/index.php/2020/04/08/nyipeng-dibatalkan-7-554-paket-sembako-tetap-dibagikan-di-gianyar/ or http://www.balipost.com/news/2020/04/08/114378/Ini,Hasil-Rapat-PHDI-dan…html
It is encouraged to stay at home and keep a social distance from each other.
A form of Nyepi is coming again. It’s called Nyipeng. The government of Bali has asked and is encouraging its citizens to stay at home for 3 days. On Bali Express is an article about Nyipeng, Nyepi for 3 days. This is a period that people in Bali have to stay at home are 18, 19 and 20 April. We can do it!
The discussion started 5th of April 2020 to fight the COVID19 virus. The virus itself has a 14-28 day incubation time. This means that you can be a carrier of the virus without knowing it and pass it on to people who might have severe reactions.
According to several sources online, Indonesia has one of the highest mortality rates when it comes to COVID-19. Source from abc.net.au and DW.
We do need to help the healthcare system by staying at home as much as possible. Practice social distancing, and home quarantine yourself as much as possible. This way we lower the pressure on all the health care workers who are now overloaded due to the pandemic.

Work during the Nyipeng
Only emergency workers, police, hospitals, and pecalan are working. No supermarkets no warungs etc.
Preparing to stay at home for 3 days
Some basic necessities are required to stay at home for 3 days. Drinking water and food are the foremost important to have. There are 11 days to prepare. Be inspired by our cooking section!
Things you should have at home in Bali:
- Rice, Mi telur, potatoes
- protein, tempeh, tahu, canned fish, or something that can last more than several days
- Vegetables
- drinking water
- cooking oil
If you have a baby during Nyipeng make sure that you can also feed your baby during these 3 days.
We can do this! If Nyipeng for 3 days is a lot, think that around the world people have been quarantined for much longer than this. Countries not participating in the quarantine movement, have it much harder batteling coronavirus.
Ask families or your close friends for help, don’t wait until the last moment with getting essentials to get through 3 days of quarantine.

Hi I am Dwi. I am a blogger, travel agent and a mom of a lovely daughter and wife to a supportive husband. I customize and plan tours in Bali and islands nearby for a living and have been doing this for more than 14 years. Get in touch via contact [at] taletravels.com